Justine, Scarlet and Chris...by rickster
happy little bunch...do I photoshop those waist ripples
Another trip to Sydney the other weekend....very nice. We stay at the CWA at Potts Point and do the little theatre a few doors down..GREAT theatre !!!
Therese hates the idea of the germs on these buttons and she says escalator handrails..BBBrrrrr !!! no way!!!
Darling Harbour...has lots going on..
I thought Id use the razor to just remove those little pigs bristle hairs on the tops of my ears........sigh!
Check the rates at the CWA at the cross.....and that include parking and breakfast...gotta be the best $35 pa huh !
creative use of sauce...Im such a talent !!!
MUMS HOME...the story continues
The carpet folks were not the same happy crew a few days into doing this every day
The back bedroom had lots of stuff on the floor..TV, sewing machine, lights, fans and heaps of photographic paper....$$$
...the bedroom...waterbed?
...the place needs lots of air
...Hmmmm, are we having fun yet? The events are taking their toll hey mum?
ric woods art and photography studio 2007
You can find it HERE