
The other weekend we did a poster run

...Therese, Mike and myself...mike was a great help...except there was no way he would enter some of the premises..ESPECIALLY the mens shop that had matching beach shirts and speedos...enough is enough he said!!
The title image was a great hit..........

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...we bombed paddo

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...that was her reward on the end of that fork

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This is my new business card image...so serious now

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Im just about to hang my show

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...and this is how I had to tone some of the prints...

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I love Carro Bridge

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the flannerys...rod sleeping

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Katie and Jimmy

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Kate and Steph

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What are these guys freakin out about???

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OOOooo...thats a foul

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...this is what all the faces are about!!

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mike does a dexter face

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My future wifey

....what a beauty Posted by Picasa

Carol at the ABC...what a tongue!!

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Maynard does "parking"

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A very common site at the "Big House"...

as some of the locals call it... Posted by Picasa

Therese gets the sound proofing treatment

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This guy was doin Dysney on ice...

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The floors come up big

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The darkroom...a work in progress

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We used some nice timbers

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