
Lots to think about when planning a new Ranch...

Carro house....working on drawings to try and have it the way that works best.Northern Sun for old bones and as long a studio as possible so there is plenty to sweep....Many of these mods may not be feasible but one has to start somewhere. . I drove past my old place the other day and there were guys with ropes and chain saws up in the trees out the back....a big branch off the Jacki tree let go and just missed the studio roof....the are doing heaps of work...cant wait to see it finished



Therese attended a 2 day workshop in North Sydney....and whilst she was ther Maree and myself thought we would be, would-be explorers ..........So............
....checked out some treasure....
....straightened some buildings....
....tried some new styles....
....visited interesting department stores....
...spotted some wildlife...
...did some park sitting....
...followed some spiritual guidance....
...gymnastics in the room......
....and crashed...
...tried the hot spa....
...pumped some iron...
....Subway and....
,,....japanese take away
...time for an art shot
AFTER Thereses first day in the ANXIETY training course we decided some comic relief was in order....LUNA PARK
....creepy thing belongs in the house of hourrors, not just out in the public street....BBbrrrrr CLOWNS !!!
Therese and myself in the middle of the Wild Mouse ride......yes I know a car flew off a couple of years ago.....
Luna Park.....just for fun.....I got cheers....I was sittin on my horse backwards...nothing scares me....
The slide was an even match race between Therese and Maree.....but bring on the champion....
....billy big arse always wins in GRAVITY SPORTS !!!
....sme spinnin throw up kinda machine at Luna Park....not for me...Im a wild mouse kinda guy
....so whilst therese went to the second day of the workshop on ANXIETY we we for our own therapy....it involves a credit card.
markets at the rocks....maree in fudge heaven
....makin friends
...french chocolate eclairs at the Rocks...after eating this I had to go kill myself from pleasure
...chicks and shopping??
...good functional clobba
chicks and shoes ????
Life is for Livin'.............