

There is a good chance that I will be working with the Dept of Housing doing workshops in art and photography...if we get the gig it should be interesting and lots of fun...It will be a one off event, hopefully the residents will keep it ongoing...

Good to be hanging out with my mate Robert from the Benevolent Society again...a real cool dude
...there will be art and photography works shops and it will finish up with a community market...here Nicolle and I survey the grounds


MIKES 24th Birthday...so we went out bowling and then off to dinner....
...some very important things to remember during bowlig...you only use one lane...dont go over the line...dont bounce the ball....and...
....take careful aim...
....be determined in your attitude
....and be aware that there is a place to store your ball....you dont have to nurse it...
I cannot believe that people were actually stealing these as a FASHION item....
Therese was in shades of Peggie Sue...all that was missing was the neck scarf
even with fierce competition ...we are still really good friends...in and out of the lanes
Therese did real well...even though she dosent look at the pins
The Birthday Boy and his Coach...
Mum did FANTASTIC for her first try....
fashion slaves
Just getting some last minute directions...
Mandy flogged me twice...even though she has a less flamboyant style than I..........
A strike therese?
OOOOOOOOOooo pretty....but....
whats with the balls??? I had to get the heaviest just so I could get my fingers in...
mike.....birthday boy....the quiet achiever...2 games 2 wins
adam should have a handicap because of his reach.....
??????????????? a camera
maree was the risk taker of the evening...she got 3 strikes and cleaned up an attendant...the xrays showed now fractures to his ankles....
...yes maree we are impressed...
mums first go on the pinnies....so focused....we have to get going for dinner..mum...................er mum............................er mum are you coming?
The next stop for m ikes birthday was a Time Warp to the Lone Star at Glendale....now that was an experience for me....did you know that they dont waste anything there....they even use the heads...they bolt them to the wall...yes I say...bolt them to the wall.I asked one of the staff why and they said "to make the place look good" ???? compared to what I thought??
the crew
after that crazy song the waitresses sing and clap to when its your birthday....you get to eat this sugar concocktion in the brandy baloon....PLEASE NOTE: that mike has already scooped off a kilo of cream into the glass on the table....it took 3 of us to dispatch it....
....Mike is on the right