Another trip to Gordon to see the specialist...we all start being positive and funny and very good looking....I know that this will cost a few hundred bucks...in the back of my mind there is a mantra going on...." Its good to spend as much on my health as I do on my car"..."Its good to spend as much on my health as I do on my car".......
...its good to put the two most talkative passengers in the vehicle together so that twisted necks are saved and the volume of conversation can be dropped a few decibels....its all good planning...trying to deny that we are doing a doctors visit to Sydney which takes most of the day including 4+ hours of driving....
...but that got boring too....and then I started to have one of those spooky moods where I start to see how strange our behaviours and customs are,,,,then the buildings look weird to me and then I start to look at the people and the way they look at each other....BBrrrrr..things start to look weirder...