
GOOD EEEeee another doctors visit :-(

Another trip to Gordon to see the specialist...we all start being positive and funny and very good looking....I know that this will cost a few hundred bucks...in the back of my mind there is a mantra going on...." Its good to spend as much on my health as I do on my car"..."Its good to spend as much on my health as I do on my car".......
...its good to put the two most talkative passengers in the vehicle together so that twisted necks are saved and the volume of conversation can be dropped a few decibels....its all good planning...trying to deny that we are doing a doctors visit to Sydney which takes most of the day including 4+ hours of driving....
....the wet weather and traffic soon dampened spirits in in our honda capsule....
...staring lasts a little while....but it dosent work for all....especially the driver....they cannot win a staring competition....
....we all tried the facial olympics....the tongue curl and the ear wiggle proved good for a few kilometers....
....cabin fever can be a problem for the young..
.... I start seeing dirty signs and words all over the place...
the manditory spooky looks start...
.....things in the car start getting a little boring so we look outside the car for entertainment....probably not the best thing to do for me....
...but that got boring too....and then I started to have one of those spooky moods where I start to see how strange our behaviours and customs are,,,,then the buildings look weird to me and then I start to look at the people and the way they look at each other....BBrrrrr..things start to look weirder...
...and weirder
...and weirder
...and weirder......but like LSD...most of us come down back to normal on the arrival back home.........