Karen does the accounts at the Frog Pond...she has worn this shirt for the past 37 days....She is doing this because she is thinking about getting a full body tatoo and she wants to make sure that the patterns will not become too tedious....I asked her what will her design be.....Zebra stripes she answered...but in orange and red. Should be striking I think.

Lambchop looks on as Kate aka "K-k-katie" ( so named because there are 2 Kates at the frog pond) likes to talk to her monitor...she says it speaks to her personally. Here they share some stories about their times together.K-k-katie says that the reason neither Lambchop or myself can hear the monitor talking is because we dont have the "special" hearing amplifier organs that she was born with......Hhmmmm

Stephanie AKA "Lambchop" one of the staff at thr Frog Pond...actually has dual personalities...one is a skilled person in the area of business...the other is a pirate who lived a past life of the coast of Jamacia...at times she swithches over to "Billy Black Guts"....and her language is what we would discribe as ....colourful.

Keely...my neighbour is studying snakes and spiders.She works at the reptile park part time....he homework differs from many peoples idea of "study". This is her son looking on as the funnelweb is encouraged to produce some venom....her son is on the far left...the funnelweb is in the perspex enclosure.I know that Rossco would find this interesting....Hey Rossco?