The wife of the guy that ripped mums carpet up after the water went through her
place told mums story tho one of her friends,,a school teacher.WELL...ALL the kids in her 4th class
drew her cards and sent her their well wishes...saying things like " Hey Mrs Woods are you OK"?
and "We are sure glad you didn't drowned" ans my favourite "Glad you didn't die...bur if you did you
would go to heaven with Jesus"...yes a catholic school...
Beautiful stuff huh !!
place told mums story tho one of her friends,,a school teacher.WELL...ALL the kids in her 4th class
drew her cards and sent her their well wishes...saying things like " Hey Mrs Woods are you OK"?
and "We are sure glad you didn't drowned" ans my favourite "Glad you didn't die...bur if you did you
would go to heaven with Jesus"...yes a catholic school...
Beautiful stuff huh !!

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